Top Social Media Platforms By Numbers In 2023

In 2023, Social media is a big deal. It’s how lots of people talk, share stuff, and do business on the Internet. Some sites are super popular and have been around a long time, while others are new and shaking things up. This article is all about Top Social Media Platforms in 2023.

We’ll look at the numbers and stories behind the most-used social networks that connect people all over the world. It’s like a digital community where everyone hangs out and shares their lives.

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In 2023 Which Social Media Sites Has The Most Number of Users?

As per Statista, these are the sites with the most numbers of users in the world in 2023 based on the monthly active users.

  1. Facebook: 2,958 Million
  2. YouTube: 2,514 Million
  3. WhatsApp: 2,000 Million
  4. Instagram: 2,000 Million
  5. WeChat: 1,309 Million
  6. TikTok:1,051 Million
  7. Facebook Messenger: 931 Million
  8. Douyin: 715 Million (Tiktok’s Chinese Version)
  9. Telegram: 700 Million
  10. Snapchat: 635 Million
  11. Kuaishou: 626 Million (China Specific)
  12. Sina Weibo: 584 Million (China Specific)
  13. QQ: 574 million (Tencent QQ, China Specific)
  14. Twitter: 556 Million
  15. Pinterest: 445 Million
Top Social media platform in 2023 by number of users

What These Numbers Mean For Brands?

In the digital age, where connectivity knows no bounds, social media platforms have emerged as the quintessential tools for global interaction, networking, and self-expression. The leading social media platforms are shaping our way of connecting and sharing. These social networks are the best outlets for brands to reach out to their target audience.

Whether you’re an experienced social media marketer, a beginner in this field, or a business owner aiming to make the most of social media, it’s valuable to know about the most popular social media platforms in 2023 making waves. This knowledge will help you expand your brand’s presence, connect with the right audience, and achieve your social media goals.

Remember, it’s not just about the platform’s size. It’s also about finding the right fit for your brand and audience. Does it match your brand’s style? Is your target audience active there? Can you handle multiple top social media platforms at once? 

To simplify things and to market your brand on these popular social media platforms in 2023, you have to understand how they work, their scope, and the anticipation. 

There are also social media management tools like Zintego that can help you schedule posts, track analytics, and engage with your audience across different platforms.

We dug deeper and gathered information about the top social media sites in 2023. Some you might know, while others could be new. Walk with us through the tear-down session of social media platforms. Take a look to discover which social media apps could work well for your brand. 

Top Platforms To Consider When In Social Media Game In 2023 

In the vast horizon of social media, the few most used social media platforms in 2023 have risen to prominence by amassing a staggering number of users. At the forefront stands Instagram, Facebook, etc. But that is not the end of the list. There are a ton of popular social media platforms in 2023, that you can lay your hands on. Walk with us on this journey to know what big impact, top social media platforms in 2023 can have on your brand and business. 

A Refreshing Look at Popular Social Media Platforms

We are sure you must be aware of all the biggest social media platforms in 2023. Let’s take a look at it from a different perspective. We have accumulated some Statistics that will help you see these online networking platforms as massive impactful platforms. 

1. Facebook:

facebook logo

About 74% of Facebook users visit the site daily, spending an average of 19.5 minutes per day scrolling through their feeds. The platform’s advertising reach is immense, with more than 2,958 million businesses having a presence. It’s a hub for news consumption as well, with 43% of US adults using Facebook for news. We can also say that Facebook single-handedly affects the voting decisions of US voters. The platform’s impact on global connectivity and communication is evident through its widespread adoption and engagement.

Brands can maximize Facebook’s broad user base to reach and engage with their target audience. By sharing a mix of engaging content, including posts, images, videos, and articles, brands can showcase their products, services, and brand values. Utilizing Facebook’s advertising tools allows for precise targeting and broader visibility. Engaging with followers through comments, likes, and shares helps build a sense of community and loyalty. Overall, Facebook serves as a versatile platform for brands to establish an online presence, connect with customers, and drive business growth.

2. YouTube :

YouTube Logo

Do you know that YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world? YouTube is a video universe teeming with entertainment and enlightenment. With 2,514 billion monthly logged-in users, it’s not just a platform for viral videos, but also a treasure trove of tutorials, documentaries, and vlogs that enrich our lives. 

Brands and businesses can strategically harness YouTube to amplify their business impact and engagement. By creating compelling video content that showcases their products, services, or industry expertise, brands can tap into YouTube’s vast user base and global reach. Sharing informative tutorials, entertaining stories, or behind-the-scenes glimpses can captivate and connect with audiences on a more personal level. Through consistent uploads and engaging visuals, brands can establish a dedicated subscriber base, nurturing brand loyalty. Monetizing through ads or sponsorships offers revenue opportunities, while YouTube Analytics provides insights to refine strategies and target demographics. Overall, YouTube empowers brands to visually narrate their story, cultivate a dynamic online presence, and drive meaningful connections that contribute to business success.

3. WhatsApp:

Whatsapp logo

Whatsapp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world after WeChat. If we speak through data, nearly 2000  million people can communicate with their friends and family.

Brands can leverage WhatsApp as a valuable tool to connect and engage with their audience in a personal and direct manner. By creating dedicated business accounts, brands can provide real-time customer support, address inquiries, and offer personalized recommendations, fostering a strong sense of trust and loyalty. Sharing product updates, exclusive offers, and behind-the-scenes content through WhatsApp Status can enhance brand visibility and customer engagement. Utilizing WhatsApp’s broadcast lists or groups enables targeted communication, allowing brands to share relevant information with specific segments of their audience. Moreover, integrating WhatsApp for business transactions or appointment scheduling for different types of appointments scheduling adds convenience and streamlines customer interactions. In essence, WhatsApp empowers brands to establish a genuine and immediate connection, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and long-term business growth.

4. Instagram:

instgram logo

Instagram, now owned by Meta, is a visual paradise where captivating images and stories rule. It has a deep impact on not only the lives of common people but other social factors. For example, 2 billion people around the world now believe in β€˜picture perfect’. Instagram is also a hub for creative minds to showcase their talent, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore captivating social media content. And this is why it was claimed trending social media app in 2023. 

Brands can utilize Instagram as a dynamic platform to showcase their products, services, and brand identity through captivating images and short videos. By crafting visually appealing posts, increasing followers on Instagram, engaging with followers,, and leveraging features like stories and reels, brands can create an authentic and interactive online presence that resonates with their target audience, driving brand awareness and customer engagement.

5. WeChat:

Wechat logo

After WhatsApp, WeChat is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide. However, WeChat is widely used in China, and it has a total user base of 1,309 million users. WeChat is not just limited to messaging, but it also lets users make payments and make friends online.

Brands can leverage WeChat to establish a direct and personalized connection with customers through its messaging, payment, and mini-program features. By sharing updates, promotions, and customer support, brands can cultivate strong relationships, while integrating e-commerce and loyalty programs enhances sales and brand loyalty. Utilizing WeChat’s vast user base and seamless functionality, brands can create a comprehensive and convenient customer experience, driving business growth.

6. TikTok:

Tiktok logo

With over 1,051 million downloads worldwide, TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon. And no doubt, it is one of the most popular Social networks. Its user base skews young, with 60% of users aged between 16 to 24. The platform’s engagement is impressive, with users spending an average of 52 minutes per day on the app.

And guess what? This party isn’t just fun – it’s also powerful. Trends, like cool dances or funny challenges, start on these platforms and spread like wildfire. Conversations about important stuff also happen here, shaping how people think and feel.

Brands can harness TikTok’s viral and short-form video format to creatively engage with a young and dynamic audience. By crafting entertaining, relatable, and visually appealing content, brands can showcase products, trends, and brand personality, effectively increasing brand visibility and user engagement. Utilizing popular challenges and soundtracks can further amplify reach and participation, driving user-generated content and building a strong brand community. Through TikTok, brands can tap into a trending and influential platform, fostering brand awareness and connecting with a new generation of consumers.

7. Facebook Messenger:

Facebook messenger logo

Integrated with Facebook’s vast network, Messenger boasts more than 931 million users. Over 10 million chatbots have been developed for business interactions. Voice and video calls via Messenger increased by 50% in 2020, reflecting its role in remote communication.

Brands can utilize Facebook Messenger as a direct and personalized communication channel with customers. By setting up automated responses and chatbots, brands can offer instant support, answer FAQs, and guide users through purchases, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sharing exclusive offers, updates, and interactive content through Messenger helps strengthen brand engagement and visibility. Through this convenient and familiar platform, brands can establish meaningful connections, streamline customer interactions, and drive business growth.

8. Douyin:

8 - douyin logo

In China, Douyin boasts over 715 million daily active users. Its algorithms are tailored to user preferences, ensuring highly personalized content. The app’s rapid growth has positioned it as one of China’s top social platforms. It is the Chinese local language version of Tiktok. Brands can use it in the same way they can use Tiktok as it is the same as Tiktok.

9. Telegram:

telegram logo

Telegram’s user base exceeds 700 million. It gained 25 million new users in just three days after WhatsApp’s privacy policy controversy. The platform hosts over 200 million active monthly users in groups and channels.
Telegram is a great tool for brands and businesses because it helps them talk to a lot of people quickly. They can send messages right away, like chatting with friends, to answer questions and talk about new things.
Brands can also use Telegram to show pictures, videos, and other cool stuff to their fans. There are special things called bots that can help with automatic replies and even selling things. It’s safe and private, so customers feel good about talking and sharing. Brands can use Telegram to talk to people all over the world, and make their look, and it doesn’t cost too much. They can also see how many people like their messages and learn about who is interested. Overall, Telegram is like a helpful friend for businesses to talk, share, and grow.

10. Snapchat:

snapchat logo

With 635 million monthly active users, Snapchat remains popular among younger demographics. For brands, it is a powerful platform as Snapchat users engage with the app more than 30 times daily, collectively sharing over 4 billion messages, referred to as Snaps, with their close friends and family members.
Snapchat is used by 9 out of 10 young people, which is 90% of those aged 13 to 24 in over 20 countries. This data is from Snap Inc. in the second quarter of 2022. The percentage is calculated by dividing the monthly active users (MAU) by the population estimates from 2021, as provided by the United Nations World Population Prospects in 2022.

11. Kuaishou:

Kuaishou logo

Kuaishou boasts an impressive 626 million daily active users, largely from China. The app’s success is built on user-generated content, focusing on everyday moments and authenticity. Brands can leverage Kuaishou as a valuable platform for their business by harnessing its engaging features. Kuaishou allows brands to create and share short videos showcasing their products or services in a fun and visually appealing way, capturing the attention of a wide audience. Brands can also collaborate with popular content creators on Kuaishou to promote their offerings and tap into their followers’ networks. Additionally, Kuaishou’s live streaming capabilities enable brands to interact with customers in real-time, answering questions, demonstrating products, and building a more personal connection. Through these strategies, brands can enhance their visibility, engage with potential customers, and foster a loyal community on the dynamic Kuaishou platform.

12. Sina Weibo:

Sina Weibo logo

Sina Weibo has around 584 million registered users, with 216 million daily active users. It’s a significant platform for real-time news, trending topics, and influencer marketing in China.

Sina Weibo offers brands a robust platform to bolster their business presence and engagement. Brands can leverage its features by sharing captivating content like images, videos, and posts to showcase their products or services creatively. Collaborating with key opinion leaders (KOLs) and influencers on Sina Weibo can amplify brand visibility, tapping into their extensive follower base. Through interactive features like polls, quizzes, and live streaming, brands can actively engage with their audience, building a more personalized connection and receiving direct feedback. Sina Weibo’s vast user base and trending topics also present opportunities for brands to join conversations, increasing their reach and relevance. In essence, Sina Weibo offers brands a vibrant platform to connect, interact, and expand their business presence in the dynamic landscape of social media.

13. QQ:

Tencent QQ logo

QQ’s user base exceeds 574 million, mostly in China. Its diverse features, including social networking, gaming, and entertainment, contribute to its widespread use.

Brands can strategically utilize QQ to enhance their business endeavors by capitalizing on its multifaceted features. QQ provides a space for brands to establish a strong online presence through interactive profiles, sharing engaging content such as photos, videos, and updates about their products or services. Leveraging QQ Groups, brands can create communities around their offerings, fostering direct engagement and building brand loyalty. Additionally, QQ’s instant messaging and voice call capabilities enable brands to provide efficient customer support and address inquiries promptly, cultivating a positive customer experience. By tapping into QQ’s extensive user base and integrating promotional activities, brands can effectively reach and connect with their target audience, ultimately driving business growth and fostering meaningful relationships.

14. X (Formerly Twitter)

twitter -  X - logo

X Twitter boasts around 556 million monthly active users. The platform sees 500 million tweets sent per day. It’s particularly influential in the realm of news, politics, and public discourse. Imagine the impact it can have on the next election!

Brands can strategically leverage Twitter to elevate their business presence and engagement. By crafting concise and compelling tweets, brands can share updates, promotions, and valuable insights about their products or services. Utilizing relevant hashtags can amplify their reach and join trending conversations, enhancing brand visibility. Engaging with customers through direct interactions, retweets, and likes can create a personalized connection, building brand loyalty. Additionally, Twitter’s multimedia capabilities facilitate sharing visuals, videos, and links to capture audience attention. Through consistent and strategic use of the platform, brands can establish a dynamic online identity, connect with a diverse audience, and drive meaningful business outcomes.

15. Pinterest:

Pinterest logo

With 445 million users, Pinterest is a visual haven for inspiration. It’s a hub for DIY enthusiasts, with 80% of users accessing the platform via mobile devices.

Brands can effectively harness Pinterest as a powerful tool to enhance their business prospects. By curating visually appealing boards that showcase their products, services, and inspirations, brands can create a compelling visual narrative that resonates with their target audience. Sharing high-quality images and infographics can attract user engagement and drive traffic to their website. Utilizing Pinterest’s keyword-rich descriptions and hashtags can optimize discoverability, enabling brands to reach a broader audience. Collaborating with influencers, UGC creators, or partnering with other brands on collaborative boards can further extend their reach and tap into new markets. Overall, by leveraging Pinterest’s unique visual discovery platform, brands can creatively communicate their offerings, foster engagement, and establish a distinctive brand identity.

Facebook’s Dominance And Meta’s Empire:

Once synonymous with social media, Facebook has metamorphosed into Meta, a name that encapsulates its expansive vision of the metaverse. 

Facebook, which used to be all about connecting with friends online, has transformed into something even bigger called Meta. This new name shows that they want to create a huge digital world called the metaverse. 

But How Did Meta Become Meta?

Let us take a look. 

Meta’s expansion and acquisition strategy has indeed played a significant role in establishing it as a magnate in the tech industry. Here’s how Meta acquired major companies like Instagram and WhatsApp:

a). Instagram:

In 2012, Meta bought Instagram for around $1 billion. Back then, Instagram was a favorite app for sharing photos, especially among young people. Meta made some changes to Instagram, like adding Facebook Messenger to its direct messages and making a TikTok-like feature called Reels. Instagram still runs on its own, but now it gets help and ideas from Meta.

b). WhatsApp: 

In February 2014, Meta (facebook at that time) acquired WhatsApp for around $19 billion. WhatsApp was a widely used messaging app with a focus on user privacy and encryption. The acquisition provided Meta with access to WhatsApp’s massive global user base, particularly in regions where traditional SMS usage was prevalent. This move strengthened Meta’s position in the messaging space and expanded its reach beyond social networking. No doubt, Meta made some changes when it acquired WhatsApp. 

These acquisitions helped Meta diversify its offerings and maintain its dominance in the industry. By owning multiple platforms catering to different aspects of social interaction, Meta secured its place as a tech powerhouse.

The company leveraged its resources, technology, and user data across platforms to create a network effect, making it challenging for competitors to match its scale and impact.

Apart from that, Meta’s strategy of acquiring potential rivals before they became too big was aimed at preventing disruption in its dominance. This approach not only expanded its market presence but also eliminated competitors that could challenge its core services.

Meta’s acquisitions of Instagram, WhatsApp and other platforms, along with its continued innovation and strategic vision, contributed significantly to its transformation into a major industry giant, shaping the landscape of social media and communication technology.

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United States and China: Powerhouses in Social Media

When it comes to social media, the United States and China are like superstars on the global stage. Let’s break it down: In the U.S., there’s something called Meta. Imagine it as a big umbrella with Facebook, Instagram, and other cool stuff underneath. People all over the world use these platforms to connect, share, and have fun.

China’s influence is clear with platforms like WeChat, which combines social networking and payments for diverse activities like chatting and shopping. QQ and Sina Weibo also showcase China’s digital world. QQ brings people together and entertains, while Sina Weibo is like China’s version of Twitter, promoting discussions and connections. Lastly, there’s TikTok, a Chinese creation that became a global sensation. It’s a platform for short videos where people share dances, jokes, and skills, capturing attention around the world.

The Growth Trajectory of Social Media:

The trajectory of social media’s growth has been nothing short of a remarkable odyssey. It all began with the modest concept of basic profile pages, where users could present themselves through text and a profile picture. Little did anyone anticipate the transformative journey that would unfold. 

In 2014, we could text our friends through an app, and we thought it was a revolution. But sooner or later more layers were added. 

  • As technology advanced, video content stepped into the spotlight, ushering in a new era of engagement. Suddenly, users could share not just moments frozen in time, but dynamic narratives and experiences. Platforms like YouTube and later TikTok became stages for creativity and self-expression, captivating audiences in ways that were previously inconceivable.
  • The evolutionary journey of social media didn’t stop at video content. It continued to embrace change, now embracing immersive virtual experiences. Virtual reality and augmented reality have blurred the lines between the physical and digital worlds, offering users the chance to participate in events, explore spaces, and interact in entirely new ways.
  • This trajectory of growth underscores the adaptability of social media platforms. In fact, over the years, top social media platforms also changed the content marketing perception. For starters, it helped the customers to connect with their favorite brands. And on the other side, leading social media channels also helped the business to have better relationships with target customers and know more about them. Not only this, but this also gave birth to different marketing trends like Influencer marketing. 
  • While the evolution of social media has brought numerous benefits, it hasn’t been without its challenges. Concerns around privacy, authenticity, and the impact on mental well-being have emerged as these platforms have become more integral to our lives. As we move forward, it’s imperative to strike a balance between innovation and responsible usage.

Technology is changing faster than ever. And so are social media platforms. While social media platforms are continuously adding features and tools to enhance the user experience, we can still anticipate a lot from social media platforms soon. For example, social media platforms will change as SEO. This is primarily due to the nature of social media platforms that do more than 

The growth trajectory of social media is proof of the power of adaptation and innovation. From basic profiles to immersive virtual experiences, these social media platforms have continually evolved to meet the changing desires of their users. As technology continues to advance, it’s exciting to ponder what new chapters await in the ever-evolving story of social media.

How Many Global Social Media Users Are There?  

Social media platforms have evolved from mere communication tools into fundamental components of our daily existence. These digital landscapes go through geographical boundaries, allowing individuals from diverse corners of the world to connect, communicate, and share their stories. It’s as if these platforms have become the modern-day global village, where ideas, cultures, and experiences come together effortlessly. 

As of 2023, the global social media user count has surpassed a monumental 4.5 billion.  In perspective, that’s more than half of the world’s population. This massive number underscores the ubiquity of these platforms, transforming them from mere tools to integral parts of our daily lives.

Final Thought – Social Media Is Growing:

The rapid growth of social media is rooted in its ability to make connections, shorten distances, and ignite conversations. It’s no longer just about sharing snippets of life; it’s about celebrating individuality, showcasing talents, and even building businesses. 

The dynamic social media platforms offer a space for every voice, every interest, and every community, making it a dynamic and vibrant ecosystem.

2023 paints a picture of social media that’s rich with diversity, innovation, and global reach. From the immersive realms of the metaverse to the bite-sized entertainment of TikTok, each platform carves its unique niche in our lives. 

As we navigate this digital landscape, one thing is clear: the impact of social media is profound, shaping the way we interact, learn, and grow on a global scale.

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