How to Add Customers Reviews on Shopify Store? [Free in 2024]

What is the first thing you do after you like a product online? For most people its checking reviews about the same product. 

Hence, it is clear that online customer reviews are crucial to ensure the product serves your purpose. They make a business more authentic than those marketing claims. 82% of the customers agree with this fact.

Thus, allow your Shopify store to gather better engagement and earn more revenue by adding customer reviews. Now, if you need ideas on how to add reviews to Shopify we got you covered. 

For every marketing strategy, there are some specific reasons, and you must know that. This blog has everything that you need to know about adding online reviews to Shopify. 

Add Customer Reviews On Shopify Store


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Why Do Reviews Matter For Shopify?

The vitality of e-commerce platforms has increased as more people find it easy to shop online from the ease of their homes. Looking into the shopping preferences of customers, more businesses are moving to create their Shopify store. 

why customer reviews shopify

The online market world is expanding and competition has drastically grown. With increasing competition, the demand for trustable and authentic businesses is also growing. The reliability of an e-commerce store today is heavily dependent upon online customer reviews.

  • A report revealed that 15% of customers fail to trust a business if they have zero customer reviews. 

Thus, if you have a Shopify store you should not ignore the power of social proof and hence must add customer reviews on the Shopify store. These reviews are the best to help build a good brand reputation and hence improve sales. 

Further, seeing those positive words in customer reviews on Shopify, more people can trust your brand. Trust gained via these reviews helps a brand drive conversion and boost the sales rate of your Shopify store.

Best Review Sites For eCommerce Businesses

Customer reviews for your Shopify store come in different forms that need your attention. These are the primary ones that we have covered below. Embedding them into your Shopify store comes with ample marketing benefits.

Google Reviews

If you want your Shopify store to get a huge credibility boost then Google Reviews are here for you. To receive striking  Google reviews your Shopify store must be listed on Google My Business. Moreover, Google is a powerful search engine from the perspective of local SEO, allowing businesses to rank better and create a thriving position in the competition. 

The strong algorithm of Google reviews helps Shopify stores to skyrocket their online reach. With better visibility of your brand comes better conversions, boosted sales rates, and good revenue. The study said that 64% of the customers trust a business and visit it only after going through their online reviews. 

Monitise these Google reviews for the growth of your Shopify store. How? Just add Google reviews to the Shopify store it will improve sales and conversion of your store through trust building. 

Facebook Reviews

Facebook has become a great place for business to grow their brand. This has made Facebook reviews an important marketing tool for businesses. These Facebook reviews play a vital role in improving the business reputation, and visibility of the Shopify store.

add reviews shopify

Facebook reviews rank fourth, just behind Google reviews, and hold 19% of the customer reviews online. Customers can share their product reviews on Facebook reviews through Facebook Lives, pictures, and videos. 

Video Review 

Today it has witnessed that visuals have a much stronger impact on customer choice than static posts. So, as a marketer, you should improve the credibility of your Shopify store by showcasing video reviews. 

Different platforms exist online where customers share their video testimonials. That includes:

YouTube: This is the largest online video platform today which is used to create attractive video content by the creators. This has also become a great medium for customers to share their video reviews with a dedicated audience. 

Instagram: It is a social media giant have millions of users. People use its features like stories and reels to share any kind of product testimonials with followers and global audiences. 

TikTok: It is a short-form video platform where creators make short and engaging videos to connect with people. This place lets you share product reviews in an informative way. 

How to Add Reviews to Shopify using the App?

Customer reviews are a great way to make your Shopify store trustworthy and credible to attract your potential customers. It has been observed that potential customers found online reviews 12 times more reliable than the Shopify product descriptions. So, you must add reviews to the Shopify store to boost conversion of your store. 

Now the question is how to add reviews to the Shopify store. There are various methods you can take into effect, let’s start with the Tagembed Shopify App. The steps have been explained to you thoroughly. 

Step 1: Install Tagembed Shopify App

how to add reviews to shopify

The first step to add reviews to the Shopify store is to install the Tagembed App on the Shopify . So, here are the steps to that below.

  • The first thing you need to do is Sign in to your Shopify account with your email address and password.
add reviews to shopify

Step 2: Choose Sources and Collect Feeds

  • After installing the Tagembed app you will be redirected to the “Add feed“ section. 
how to add reviews to your shopify store
  • Now it is time to select your preferred network among the different options. 
  • For example, if you wish to add Google reviews to the Shopify store, then choose Google Review.
import reviews to shopify
  • Once you have chosen your preferred network, “select your feed filter” Choose from the options My Places or Places.
how to put reviews on shopify
  • After choosing your preferred “select your feed type” click on “Create Feed”. All your Google reviews are gathered in one place and displayed on the window.
how to add customer reviews to shopify
  • Now let’s get to the next step.

Step 3: Customize The Customer Review Widget

It’s time to customize your review feed. You can choose an eye-catching look for your feed that matches your branding style. 

  • Select the customize option to customize your feed as per your branding. 
  • You will get different options for customization. You can change the theme, update the card style, and choose a layout. 
how to add review to shopify
  • Themes: You can choose your preferred theme for your review feed from 8 options. The names of the 8 themes are modern fall, square space, slider, snap card, polaroid, classic carousel, classic fall, and gallery. 
  • Card style: In card style, you can change the font color, and author font color, and choose to show the share option or not. If you like not to show the content you can do so from the “hide content option”. You can choose to show or hide author details, hide the date of review, and change font size. You will get three options for the curd curve to choose the shape of your feeds. 
  • Layout settings: You can change the layout of the theme you have selected. The changes you can make in layout settings are post spacing, choosing the number of posts, and choosing column count. 

Step 4: Moderate the Feed

Now it’s time to moderate your review feed which is a crucial step. 

  • Go to the “Filter” to make the content private or public at your convenience.

Moderation is important because you don’t want to show relevant reviews on your Shopify store. So, by moderating your review feed you can display the best reviews on your Shopify store, to build the trust of your potential customers and bring better conversion. You can also filter this by rating.

how to add reviews to shopify store

Step 5: Add reviews to Shopify

You are almost there to add reviews to the Shopify store and this is the last step to follow after collecting, customizing, and moderating your review feed. Let’s see what is left for the last step.

  • Go to the “Embed” & Click on “Copy Code”
how to add reviews to shopify website
  • Now go to your store click on the “add section” and go to the “Apps”.
  • Next, select “Tagembed widget”. 
  • On the right side of your screen, you will see “Tagembed ID (Shortcode)”. 
  • Now paste the short on the designated field. 

Well done! you can see your review feed has been successfully published in your Shopify store.

How to Show Reviews from Multiple Channels on a Single Widget?

With the Tagembed Shopify App, you get the benefit of showing reviews from multiple networks into a single widget. For example, if you have collected Google reviews in a widget you are capable of collecting reviews from other channels as well in the same widget. Follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Again go to the “Add feed“ section. 
  • Select your preferred network among the different options. 
  • For example, if you now wish to add Facebook reviews to the Shopify store, then choose Facebook Review.
  • After choosing your preferred network “select your feed filter” you will get two options My Places and Places.
  • Well done all your Facebook reviews are gathered in one place and displayed on the window.

After this, you can customize and moderate your review widget. In case you want to fetch reviews from another network again start by selecting the add section and following the same steps. 

When you are finally done collecting reviews from different networks generate code and paste it on the backend of the Shopify website. You can see reviews from different channels displayed on your Shopify store. 

Add Customer Reviews On Shopify Store


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How to Add Customer Reviews on Shopify using the Review Aggregator? 

We have explained to you the embedding process through the Tagemnbed Shopify App above. Now, we will tell you how you can simply add reviews to the Shopify store with the Tagembed tool directly through a few easy steps.

Follow the steps below to boost the credibility of your Shopify store by displaying customer reviews on it. 

Step 1: Collect customer reviews

  • You can sign up for free and create your Tagembed account.  If you are an existing user then simply log in.
login to tagembed
  • Your first widget has already been created, to proceed click on the “Edit” button.
  • Now you will see the “Pick a source” option on the screen. Choose your preferred network from different options. For example Google reviews. 
  • Now that you have chosen Google reviews, the next two options will appear “My Place” and “Places”. 
choose feed type
  • To fetch Google reviews directly from your business page paste the URL of your Google My Business account into the designated box.
  • To fetch Google reviews from a particular location go to “Places” and enter the location name on the designated place. 
  • In the next window, you will see all the Google reviews have been collected in one place. 
embed the customer reviews

Step 2: Generate the embedded code for the Shopify store 

  • Now that you have collected all the reviews in one place, click on the “Embed widget” on the left side bottom of your screen.
  • In the new pop-up, you will get “Choose Your Platform” and select “Shopify”.
choose shopify
  • After that, you can adjust the height and width of the widget.
  • To copy the embedded code click on “copy code”.
copy the embed code

Step 3: Add reviews to Shopify store

Have you copied the embedded code? Now just a few more steps to complete this embed process. 

Add Customer Reviews On Shopify Store


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Steps to Add Reviews to the Shopify Homepage

  • First log in to the Shopify store, then get to the Shopify visual editor, then click on “Customize” from the online store.
  • Further, add a “custom content” section to your target page.
login to shopify
  • Search for the “Section” menu, then choose “Add new section” and give it a name. Editor will open.
  • The embedded code you copied paste it into the editor and save it. 
paste the embed code

Step to add reviews to all Shopify product page

  • You can display reviews on all Shopify product pages to impress your target audience and build trust. 
  • Log in to your Shopify store. Go to the store the place you want to add your widget. You can see the Code option by selecting Action click on that. 
  • After that open the theme template and find the “theme. liquid file” in the layout section. 
choose theme.liquid
  • Now, the code you copied, paste it before the closing </body> tag.
  • Then save the changes. You can see your reviews have been embedded, to check it go to the Shopify store. 

Congratulations! You have successfully added reviews to the Shopify store. Following the steps is quite easy and can be done in a few minutes.

Why E-commerce Product Reviews Are Important? 

Businesses are all eye to take their e-commerce to the next level with every possible efforts. In such a case, you can take the growth of your Shopify store to autopilot mode with positive product reviews. Thus, the best solution is just to add reviews to Shopify and enjoy the best results of your marketing efforts. What result you can expect from displaying reviews on the Shopify store has been pointed out below. Have a look. 

Encourage recommendations

The way people shop today has changed and they mostly prefer online shopping. However, the habit of taking recommendations before making a purchase has not changed. As per reports, 95% of customers prefer to read online reviews before buying any product. So, when you add reviews to the Shopify store it works as a recommendation for your potential customers. Displaying reviews on the Shopify store also boosts its online presence.

Boost credibility and improve customer perception

The world of the online market today has been flooded with competitor businesses. Making a good choice has relatively become a task for the potential customers. You can turn the potential customers to choose your business and to make it easy for them customer reviews can help them. Reports say that 40% of customers agreed that positive reviews help them build credibility for products. Thus, showing reviews on Shopify stores helps you to improve the perception of customers and also boost the credibility of the store. 

Enhance SEO efforts

Customer reviews fuel your SEO efforts which help to improve the ranking of your Shopify store. The algorithm of Google is designed in such a way that good reviews of businesses help them achieve better online ranking. Moreover, customer reviews carry some specific keywords related to your product that create an opportunity for better ranking.  

Attract new customers

Reviews are quite a powerful tool for any business that helps them to attract and impress new customers. Reports revealed that reviews helped 74% of buyers to discover new products.

Another report said that businesses enjoy 270% more conversion by displaying online reviews.  Thus, help your Shopify store reach its new customers and convert more by displaying customer reviews on Shopify. 

Create personalized customer experiences

Customer reviews help you provide your potential customers an insight into your products and brand from existing customer’s perspectives. It helps potential customers choose your product with confidence. So, must display customer reviews on Shopify to create a personalized customer experience. 

Add Customer Reviews On Shopify Store


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Where to Display Online Reviews for Maximum Impact

So, you have decided to display the strong customer reviews on your Shopify store. Well, that’s a great initiative to build the trust of potential customers and improve your store conversion. 

But the question is where you should display customer reviews to enjoy impactful results? Below we have explained to you a few places, you can choose to display reviews. 

  1. Product pages

To give your customers an easy browsing experience you can add reviews to the product page. Just add the customer reviews beside the product description for ease of reading and to help make quick purchase decisions. Your customers can also filter them from oldest to newest. 

customer reviews on shopify product page
  1. Dedicated reviews page

A dedicated place where your customers can read all the related customer reviews is more convenient for your customers. So, it is a good idea to display customer reviews on a dedicated review page. These help them to read whichever review they want. Moreover, it improves the SEO of your Shopify store because reviews contain targeting keywords. 

  1. Home Page
customer reviews on shopify review page

Next is your home page where you must display product reviews. It is quite impactful for making a strong positive impression of your Shopify store among first-time visitors. Landing on positive customer reviews by just clicking on your store helps to establish trust.

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Conclusion: Power Up your Shopify store with Customer Reviews.

The value of online reviews is not hidden from marketing brands which is why they are putting every possible effort to leverage them. 

So, boost the credibility of your Shopify store by showcasing positive customer reviews to it. This technique is an inexpensive way to boost conversion and improve sales.

The method of adding reviews to the Shopify store is quite simple and will not burn your pocket. We have shared two dedicated step-by-step methods to embed customer reviews on Shopify.  

Thus, to improve the online reputation of your Shopify store and encourage more customers to convert, it’s an eminent marketing strategy. 

What are you waiting for start your embedding journey today with Tagembed.

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