How To Create Engaging Social Media Posts: Tips, Ideas & Cheat Sheet

If you are here we are guessing it is because you are running out of ideas to create content for your social media platforms. We understand that piloting your social media platforms can be difficult especially if you are a social media marketer. 

While you may think you are at your limit, we beg to differ. You can easily create engaging social media posts without losing your sanity. And this is why we are here.

In this blog, we are going to dissect 11 ways how you can create engaging social media posts for your social media channels and that’s not it. We will also provide you with a 30-day content calendar. So without any further ado let us get into it. 

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Tips And Ideas For Creating Engaging Social Media Posts

We are sure, almost all marketers are currently pondering over how to create engaging social media posts. Take a look at some of the amazing ways you can create engaging social media content.

1. Put More Videos On Social Media

One of the trending ways to create engaging social media posts is to create videos. 

Videos have become one of the most popular forms of content on social media. As a social media marketer or a business owner, you must include videos in your social media strategy as much as possible. Videos can help you engage your audience and communicate your brand’s message more engagingly and effectively than text or images alone. 

Video content can take many forms, from product demos and explainer videos to behind-the-scenes footage and customer testimonials. You can also use live video to connect with your audience in real time, answer questions, and share your expertise. As explored in the Attrock guide, marketers can use different types of videos to attract relevant audiences from the different social media platforms.

One of the benefits of using videos in your social media strategy is that they can help you increase your reach and engagement. According to a study by HubSpot, marketers using video marketing made revenue 49% faster than organizations not using video marketing

2. Get Your Pictures Taken

Social media has become an essential tool for businesses to promote their brand and connect with customers. Pictures and videos are some of the best ways to create engaging social media posts

In such a scenario, hiring a professional photographer to capture high-quality images of your products, services, and team members can help you attract more customers and stand out from the competition. 

By showcasing your brand personality and what you offer, you can create a strong visual identity that resonates with your target audience. With the help of high-quality pictures and video content, you can tell a compelling story about your business, build brand awareness, and engage with your customers on a more personal level. 

If you want to succeed on social media, investing in high-quality visual content should be at the top of your priority list.

3. Repurpose Your Content

One of the biggest challenges for businesses in maintaining their social media presence is consistently creating new and engaging content. But what if we say you don’t have to pick up your camera or laptop to create engaging social media posts? 

Repurposing existing content is a great way to overcome the shortage of content. 

By turning blog posts into infographics or creating short snippets of long-form content, businesses can save time while still reaching a wider audience. You can also create YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels with the help of the existing content. 

This approach also helps to keep social media channels fresh and interesting. Additionally, the Google Search API can assist in finding relevant content and insights that can be repurposed into presentations or engaging social media posts.. This approach also helps to keep social media channels fresh and interesting. Apart from that, repurposing content can be an effective way to reinforce key messages and ideas. 

It’s important to remember that repurposing content doesn’t mean simply copying and pasting. The content should be reworked and optimized for the specific platform it’s being shared on, ensuring that it’s appropriate for the audience and format.

4. Look for Visual Trends

Creating engaging social media posts is crucial for building an online presence. One effective way to do this is by staying up-to-date with visual trends. By incorporating trending visuals into your posts, you can capture the attention of your audience and increase engagement. 

Keeping an eye on popular social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, can provide insight into what visuals are currently gaining popularity. 

Along with that, utilizing design tools and resources can help you create not only your logo design but also stunning visuals that stand out on social media.

Statistics Alert: 56.2% of marketers said that visual content plays a very important part in their marketing strategy.

By staying on top of visual trends, you can keep your social media content fresh and engaging, ultimately attracting more followers and building your brand’s online presence. Here are some of the examples of Visual trends you can follow for your brands: 

  • 3D Design 
  • Geometry 
  • Abstract Art 
  • Ai Art 

5. Host Competitions

Hosting social media competitions is an excellent way to create engaging social media posts that will help you expand your reach and build your brand. Competitions can encourage your followers to interact with your content and help you gain new followers. 

To host a competition, you can start by deciding on the rules and criteria for entry. You can then promote the competition on your social media platforms and encourage your followers to participate. 

One popular type of competition is a photo contest where followers can submit their photos related to your brand or product. You can also host a caption contest, where followers can submit captions for a specific image or video. 

Statistics Alert: According to, Giveaways made up 91% of posts with more than 1000 comments. 

Make sure to offer a prize or incentive to the winner to increase participation and engagement. However, keep in mind that strategize your competition better to 

6. Use the Right Hashtags

Hashtags are an essential part of social media marketing. Along with that hashtags are also a great way to create engaging social media posts. 

Hashtags help you increase your visibility and reach a wider audience by making your posts discoverable to people who are interested in the same topics. By using popular and relevant hashtags, you can connect with people already engaged in your industry and increase the chances of your content being seen by potential customers. Creating your own branded hashtags is another effective way of building brand awareness and driving user-generated content.

Statistics Alert: Instagram posts with at least one hashtag get 12.6% more engagement than those without.

Your followers can use branded hashtags to share their experiences with your products or services, ultimately leading to more engagement, loyalty, and sales. When using hashtags, it’s important to keep them relevant, and concise, and avoid using too many as it can make your content look spammy.

7. Share It in Stories

When Stories was launched across all the platforms, many digital marketers and social media marketers created a ruckus around the launch. We know you are guilty too. 

But with time they realized that Stories are an excellent way to share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business and provide a more personal touch to your social media channels. 

Stories are short-lived posts that appear at the top of your followers’ feeds and disappear after 24 hours. While other forms of posts like static pictures or videos are supposed to get lost in the crowd of social media users, Stories, on the other hand, stay at the top of the user’s screen. This helps social media users to engage more with your brand. 

Statistics Alert: Instagram Stories has a completion rate of over 75%. This means users almost watch till the end of the story.

With the help of stories, you can share exclusive content, showcase your products, and provide a sneak peek into your company culture. You can also use stories to run flash sales or promote limited-time offers. 

You can use polls, quizzes, and questions to engage with your followers and understand their preferences. 

Cheat Sheet For Your Social Media Content 

While you are creating engaging social media posts and other forms of content, it is essential to place this engaging social media content in the right place. More than that, it is also important to create content that comes easily and is effective as well. This is why we have provided you with this cheat sheet. Follow the content calendar and the best way to place your social media content on your website. 

Content Calendar For the Next 30 Days 

To help you get started, we have created a content calendar for the next 28 days. This will keep your social media channels buzzing with exciting content that your followers will love. Use an interactive calendar that allows you to easily schedule, edit, and track your posts for maximum engagement.

1Introduce your brand2Highlight one of your best products or services3Hop On a trend4Share Reviews And Testimonials
5 Showcase your team members6 Share a customer success story7 Share a blog post8 Share a tip or trick
9 Share a fun fact about your product or service10 Share a behind-the-scenes look11 Share an industry-related news article12 Share a funny meme
13 Share A Product or Service Demo14 Talk about the benefits of your products or services15 Show how prompt you are at customer service16 Share a Poll
17 Share a Q&A session18 Share a User-generated Content 19 Talk about a controversial topic from your industry20 Bust an industry-related myth
21 Share a case study22 Share carousel or static posts from the case study23 Use the Storytelling technique24 Time-sensitive offers
25 Giveaways/ Flash Giveaways 26 Shoutout to a brand or a loyal customers27 Organise a webinar (depending on the industry)28 Organise an β€œAsk Me Anything” on platforms 
29 Live Stream on platforms and talk about your products or QnA30 Provide a free kit related to your

Bonus : Add Social Media Widget On Website 

If you have a website and social media accounts for your business, it’s important to integrate them to maximize their potential. One way to do this is by adding social media widget to your website. By using a social media aggregator tool, you can easily add a widget that displays your social media feeds and displays them on your website. 

Not only does this create a seamless connection between your website and social media accounts, but it also allows visitors to your site to easily follow and engage with you on your social media platforms. In addition, you can add a call to action button on the widget that encourages visitors to follow you on social media or share your content.

The Final Word

Creating engaging social media posts is crucial for building a strong online presence and connecting with your target audience. By incorporating the tips and ideas we have provided in this blog, you can create social media content that stands out and drives engagement. 

Remember to focus on visual content, repurpose your existing content, and keep up with the latest trends. With these strategies, you can take your social media marketing to the next level and achieve your business goals. 

We hope that our tips and 30-day content calendar will help you create engaging social media content that resonates with your audience.

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