Embed Anchor Podcast On HTML Website
Now, you can display Anchor Podcast on website using RSS Widget powered by Tagembed to display latest news, articles etc. from other sources to your website. So, that your followers get all of the information in one place and doesn’t need to leave for something trending. Follow the following steps to embed anchor podcast on website using RSS Feeds on HTML websites successfully.
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Step 1: Collect RSS Feeds on RSS Widget
1. Sign up to create a free Tagembed account or log in to your account if you are an existing user.
2. You’ll be redirected to Tagembed dashboard for Widget selection.
3. The First Widget will be already created. A Pick a source window will appear on your screen. Select RSS as your source from the grid of platforms.
5. A Create RSS Feed dialog box will appear on your screen with 2 input boxes:
- Name – Provide the desired name for your feeds
- RSS URL – Enter the URL of your targeted RSS feed
6. Click on the Create Feed button to start aggregation. And within few seconds your screen will be loaded with all RSS Feeds.
Tip: You can customize the feed according to your preference by clicking on the Personalize option on the left side of your screen. It allows you to change the Theme, Banners, CTA, Moderation Filter, Background, Font style, Font size of the RSS widget for html and offers more options. Customization helps you to add charm to your widget and makes it appealing.
Now It’s the time to generate the embed code for HTML website so that you can effortlessly add RSS feed in HTML website.
Step 2: Generate RSS Feed Embed Code for HTML
1. Click on the Embed Widget button that appears on the bottom-left side of the screen.
2. Choose Your Platform dialog box will appear on the screen with the list of different website CMS. Select HTML from the given options.
3. Adjust the height & width of the widget and click on the Copy Code button.
Step 3: Embed RSS Feed on HTML websites
1. Login to HTML admin panel.
2. Navigate to the webpage where you want to display RSS feed in HTML.
3. Paste the embed code into the body tag.
4. Save or Update the changes made to make it effective.
Yay! You can now successful display RSS Feed on HTML website.
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