If you are a brand or marketer who is hunting for ways to take your marketing efforts to a whole new level, then we are delighted to inform you that you have reached the perfect post. As the title suggests, we will be guiding you through an easy way to add Instagram feed on OceanWP theme website.
Embedding social media feeds on the website has evolved into a much sought-after marketing strategy due to the benefits. Out of all the social media platforms, Instagram is without a doubt the one that has the most vibrant and stunning presence. Displaying Instagram Feed on the WordPress website is a great strategy to improvise the marketing game.
Try Tagembed – Create Your Free Account Now
WordPress offers a multitude of themes to its users to create the website that they wish for. OceanWP is a highly popular option that is a preferred choice for users due to its extensive range of customization options. The theme comes with an Elementor built-in.
The WordPress theme is extremely easy to use and includes various options like layout choices, custom logo support, and navigation menus, etc.
In a nutshell, the OceanWP WordPress theme is an amazing choice if you are looking for a customizable theme option. Keep reading to get an insight into how you can easily integrate Instagram feed on OceanWP theme using the Tagembed WordPress plugin.
Amazing Reasons To Display Instagram Feed On WordPress Website
Before we get onto the embedding steps and are confused about how this strategy can help you upscale your marketing efforts, then go through this section.
A). Build A Social Proof Of Your Brand – With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram is a platform where users openly share their opinions and views. Displaying the views and thoughts of customers about your brand on the website would work remarkably well to build a proof of your brand.
B). Add More Charm To Your Website – The stunning and vibrant presence of embed Instagram feed on wordpress website can completely revamp the overall look of your website. Everyone loves a well-designed website and they would be compelled to stay longer.
C). Increased Engagement Of Website Visitors – Instagram users enjoy scrolling through their feeds and adding the feeds to your website works motivates them to explore more leading to more engagement. The engagement level of your visitors is important since it helps to determine how likely they are to purchase your product or service.
D). Reduced Bounce Rate – An increase in bounce rate reflects that your website lacks interesting content. This strategy can help in tackling this. Once your website visitors increase their engagement and stay time on your website, their stay time will increase and there will be a reduction in your website’s bounce rate.
Now that you know and understand the significance of embedding an Instagram feed on OceanWP Theme Website, in the next section, we will be guiding you through the steps involved to complete the process.
Steps To Add Instagram Feed On OceanWP WordPress Theme Using The Tagembed WordPress Plugin
#1. Go to the Plugin Section on your WordPress dashboard and click on Add New.
#2. Search Tagembed in the search box. Next, click on Install Now or activate and download Tagembed Plugin Zip Folder and Activate the Tagembed Widget.
#3. Now scroll down to the Tagembed plugin and click on Sign up. Or simply login with your credentials if you already have an account.
#4. Click on Tagembed. Next, click on Add Feeds tab to collect feeds from your desired social media channel
#5. Select any Social Media platform from the Network drop-down section. Feed Filter segment will appear on your screen. From the drop-down select desired source such as hashtags, handle, lists, mention, page, reviews, etc. to fetch the relevant feed.
Now your all social media feeds will be successfully fetched from the selected source.
TIP: Personalize Your Feeds : You can customize Card Style, Font Size, Color, Layout, Theme of your choice
#6. After collecting the feed and choosing an appropriate theme for the widget, now it’s time to curate the content. Click on the Filter tab; here you can hide the content or post that you think is inappropriate or irrelevant to your website.
#7. Next, click on the Customization tab; here you can modify the widget as per your need.
a.) click on the Layout option to make changes in the widget layout here, you can choose the no of feed on the widget and more.
b). Card option enables you to change the font size of the feed, font style, and more. You can even change the aspect ratio of the content to make it more visually appealing and even change the curve style of your card. Play around with the provided options to make your widget more appealing.
c.) Another option offers the customs CSS feature.
#8. Display the Feeds on the Website, Now head back to your WP panel and go to Tagembed Widget to Copy the Short Code.
#9. Tagembed also provides you the option for the HTML platforms. To embed the feed on your HTML website, click on the HTML option, copy the code, and paste it to the backend of the website where you want to display the feed. You can embed the feed on any section, any page, and short anywhere on your website.
#10. You can also exercise the iFrame option. Just click on the iFrame option, copy the given code, and paste it anywhere you want to display your feed on your website.
#11. Go to a page or post where you want to display feeds from social media
Click on Add block + and select Tagembed widget
#12. Paste the shortcode and click on Embed to preview your feeds.
Now you have successfully added Instagram widget for WordPress. Update your live feed on your WordPress website page with the OceanWP Instagram Feed.
Read More – Instagram Feed on Astra WordPress Theme
Wonderful Features Of The Tagembed WordPress Plugin
If you are wondering what makes Tagembed the perfect choice for this strategy, then you will get an insight about the same in this section.
A). Fuss Free setup – The best part of the Tagembed WordPress plugin is that it does not demand technical expertise to be operated. It is extremely easy to set up and good to go in a couple of clicks.
B). Code-Free Embedding- Now that you are aware of the steps, we are sure that you must be convinced that the embedding process can be completed without pesky codes and a prolonged process.
C). Instant & Automatic Updates – Updating the Instagram feed manually can be a prolonged and daunting process. The plugin updates the Instagram feed automatically without the user having to do it manually.
D). Content Moderation Panel- Eliminate any objectionable and inappropriate content from the Instagram feed before making it live on the website. It is of prime importance that the content published is of premium quality.
E). Fully Customizable – Customize the Instagram feed by selecting from a wide range of customization options like fonts, colors, themes, layouts, etc. to make the content more effective and visually appealing.
F). Free – A budget-friendly “FREE FOREVER” plan for the users of the platform to reap maximum benefits of the strategy without being heavy on the pocket.
G). Insightful Analytics – Keep the performance of the Instagram feed in check after publishing it on the website. The users can get details like total impressions, likes, engagement levels, etc.
Closing Note
And we are calling it a wrap and now you are fully aware of the embedding process as well as the benefits of embedding Instagram Feed on OceanWP WordPress Theme website seamlessly.
This strategy is highly beneficial and has proven to be one of the most effective marketing strategies. Go on now, download the Tagembed WordPress Plugin and start the process!