What is API?


API means “Application Programming Interface,” a set of protocols and rules for building software applications. API describes the methods and data formats applications can use to request and exchange information.

To integrate with the social network, social network APIs enable other platforms like Socialbakers. For example, when you use a mobile app to order food, the app might use an API to track time or delivery schedule. When you get the data on the app, the server responds to the API call made by the app and provides the result.

Different Types Of APIs

Four types of APIs are listed below:

1. Open APIs

These APIs are publicly available, and anyone can use them without taking a legal consent from anyone. It is great for learning, research, experiment etc.

2. Partner APIs

This API type requires certain licenses, and rights. It is available in paid or free versions. Since it is solely built for specific parties, it is built with strict rules and security. Airbnb is a perfect example of this type of API.

3. Private APIs

This type of APIs are designed for the internal process of an organization. It is solely built for companies’ automation processes.

4. Composite APIs

This type of API helps improve performance by combining multiple API requests into a single API call.

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