Card Style

What is Card Style?

Card Style is a feature available in the Tagembed app through which you can personalize the widget as per your requirement or the website’s visual appearance.

What Are The Features of Card Style?

Some features of card style the users can use to give a different look to their website are mentioned below:

– Color Scheme

Any user can select the color scheme for their card style. There are mainly two types of colors available: light and dark.

– Font Family

You can choose the desired font style that matches your brand website in your card style.

– Card Color

To give a perfect color for your card, you can pick any color for your style.

– Font Size

Pick the font size for your card style that suits your website and card style.

– Text Alignment

There are three options for text alignments, i.e., left, centre, or right.

– No. of Line Trim

You can trim the line from None to Five in this option.

– Card Curve

Give the perfect curve to your card style from the three options.

– Hide Content

You can hide the content of your card style by enabling this button.

– Aspect Image Ratio

There are several options for the image ratio to give your card style a perfect look.

– Author Style

It consists mainly of four points. Author color, Social Icon Color, Time, or Author Detail, from which you can choose the options as per your requirement.

– General Style

The General Style of a Card Style comprises CTA, Social Action, and Share Action buttons.

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