Instagram Handle

What is Instagram Handle?

A username used to identify an account on the Instagram platform is known as an Instagram handle. You need to pick a different username to differentiate yourself from other users. 

When you want to connect to a brand or user on Instagram, you search for that account using the Instagram handle, which appears at the top of your profile section. You can create your Instagram handle or change it by editing your profile when creating an account.

Examples of Instagram handles

  • @natgeo – National Geographic
  • @cristiano – Cristiano Ronaldo
  • @thedodo – The Dodo
  • @psg – Paris Saint-German Football Club
  • @nike – Nike Brand

What Are The Types of Instagram Handles?

Mainly there are three types of Instagram handles, which are mentioned below: 

  1. Professional Handle (Creator)

The handling of a professional account differs from that of a personal account. Business accounts can uphold a professional image and show this through the account’s handle. 

  1. Personal Handle 

You can use your full or half name as your personal account handle on Instagram. Compared to a professional account, a personal account is way more relaxed. 

  1. Business Handle 

A business handle provides you with business tool and controls. It is used to post branding content, product promotion etc.

Key Benefits Of An Instagram Handle

Here are some of the critical benefits of a good Instagram handle: 

  1. Accessibility – It’s straightforward and accessible for others to reach you if your Instagram handle is shareable and memorable. 
  2. Easy Identification— A good Instagram handle will help others locate you, especially if your handle is your name. 
  3. Differentiate- Your Instagram handle is the only thing that differentiates you from others, whether you have names similar to those of other users on the platform.
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